Tropical Rainforests are vital for our survival
The world’s tropical rainforests form a huge reserve of CO2. However, for years, the forest areas have been steadily decreasing as a result of deforestation and fire clearings. Bosque Azul is helping the forest to grow again – also thanks to your donation!
We would be very grateful for a financial donation, whether large or small (and of course we will issue you with a donation receipt). We would also be happy if you would tell your friends and acquaintances about our project or post about it on social media. The more supporters we gain, the faster Bosque Azul will be able to move forward!

Please donate to one of our partner-organizations in Germany:
Gespa – Society for the Promotion of Solidarity and Partnership
Stichwort “Costa Rica”
Sparkasse Göttingen
IBAN: DE63 2605 0001 00560 99575
Heiler Mensch-Heile Erde e.V.
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE98 4306 0967 7915 1943 01
BIC: Genodem1gls
The funds raised here are transferred directly to Costa Rica, where they are used completely for the purchase of land, reforestation and the development of infrastructure.